Kick Off Week is coming up mid-September! We are looking forward to getting back into routine and gathering together for some fellowship & fun.
Our Youth Kick Off is happening Friday, September 13th @ 6pm. Grades 7-12 students are invited for food, games, and fun as we kick off the new year of youth programming.
Our Young Adults Kick Off is happening Saturday, September 14th @ 7pm. Anyone 18-30(ish) is welcome to join us for a night of fun. This will be a great place to find friends in the city, and to be part of a authentic, energetic, and caring group!
Sunday, September 15th is Back to Church Sunday, where we officially say goodbye to summer and get back into our fall routines. This service will feature our various groups and teams, and will be followed by an outdoor party. Join us, and bring a friend to see what we’re all about here at City Light Church.
Prophetic speaker Rachel Hickson is visiting our church on Wednesday, September 18th @ 6:30pm. Join us for a beautiful worship service, followed by an amazing word from Rachel. We are looking forward to hearing what God has to say about His global church, CLC, and our people!